Carers Information

Do you look after someone who could not manage without you?

Here at the surgery we are trying to put together a register of all our patients who are caring for others.

The reason for this is to identify the number of carers in the area to ensure that they are offered the help and advice that is available to assist and support them in their caring role. Being a carer is a huge commitment and responsibility and many people do not realise they are carers. Someone caring for a spouse perhaps after 50 years of marriage, is likely to regard their situation as part of “in sickness and in health” and people looking after elderly parents often do so out of love and duty without any serious thought as to the impact on their own lives. If you are a child or adult caring for someone at home or elsewhere who is ill, frail or disabled and the care you provide is unpaid – YOU ARE A CARER. Click here for a link to the NHS guide to healthy caring and here for information for parents and carers about learning disability, mental health and challenging behaviour.

Getting permission to share medical details 

The term carer should not be confused with that of paid care worker or someone who acts as a volunteer attached to a voluntary organisation. Carers should be aware that unless the person cared for gives their permission, being a carer does not mean you can automatically share in medical information, results etc. So when registering as a carer we ask whether this permission can be given. Click here for a form that can be completed by the person you are caring for to give permission for you to have access to their personal details and/or copies of correspondence.

Other useful contacts for carers

Carers Line The Carers UK Advice line is open Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm. Call 0808 808 7777 or email advice@carersuk.orgWebsite is
Richmond Carers Centre The Richmond Carers Centre is also available to give help or support. They are a charity supporting unpaid Carers who are caring for somebody in the borough. Their team of Carer support workers can offer free confidential information and advice over the phone, by email or in person at the Centre. They can also be a source of listening support if you just feel the need to talk to someone. 

Richmond Carers Centre
5 Briar Road
Telephone: 020 8867 2380

Community Nursing Service Click here for info.
Hounslow and Richmond falls and bone health Click here for info
Richmond Social Services Click here for info
Telephone: 020 8891 7971
Community matrons Working to improve the health and quality of life of people with long-term conditions by co-ordinating care and services. Click herefor info.
Self referral links  for carer and care homes to use for patients care without involving the surgery Podiatry self-referral link:

Richmond MSK:

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Richmond Falls and Bone Health Service

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