Broad Lane Surgery

71 Broad Lane, Hampton, TW12 3AX

Telephone: 020 8979 5406

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Complaints Procedure

We always try to provide the best services possible, but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. If you do have a complaint please contact our practice manager, who will try to help resolve your problem. You can obtain a patient’s guide to our local complaints procedure from reception; using it does not affect your right to complain to NHS England.

In Summary:

  • Please put your complaint in writing if possible and include the date, time and names of those involved.
  • We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and agree a plan with you concerning how it will be handled and the timescale involved.
  • If appropriate, you will be invited in to discuss your complaint with the practice manager and the member of staff or GP/nurse involved. You will be invited to bring a relative, friend or advocate with you to the meeting.
  • We hope this will resolve the matter and enable us to either learn from our mistake or to explain our actions etc to your satisfaction.
  • If you are not satisfied a conciliation meeting may be offered involving NHS England.

NHS – Complaints Guidance


PALS Team Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare (HRCH) NHS Trust

PALS provides, patients, carers and their families, with free confidential advice, information and support including how to make complaints about health services.

To contact them telephone 0800 953 0363 or click here to read more.

PALS can:

  • Help you get the information you need about NHS services 
  • Listen and respond to suggestions, concerns or queries
  • Listen to any problems you may have in relation to your healthcare or the that of a loved one or friend
  • Sort out problems quickly in an informal friendly manner
  • Talk to staff, management and other organisations on your behalf.